Located in a federal Opportunity Zone, this project has three phases of mixed-use development over the next five years. Phase 1 is shovel-ready and will kick off once a development agreement is in place. weIMPACT has partnered with the City of Elkhart, which has committed $6,250,000 in funds to the project. The remaining capital stack includes READI funds - $6,500,000, equity in a QOZ fund - $6,700,000, and debt (balance of stack). We will use READI funds for land assemblage, remediation of brownfield site conditions, bringing appropriate utilities and infrastructure to the sites, foundations, pavement, landscaping, lighting, public art, design services, building materials, and labor. Key Performance Outputs include building 100-140 new DUs with a mix of rental and for-sale housing options in the same neighborhood. Develop nearly 28,000 square feet of new commercial and retail space. Support 10 new entrepreneurs and businesses with retail, commercial, and live/work solutions. We will build in three phases starting January 2023 with completion by year-end 2026.
Total Project Amount
The South Bend Elkhart region, with 526,054 residents is home to the distinguished University of Notre Dame. This thriving region was awarded the maximum READI 1.0 funds of $50 million.
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