Project Overview

The Salamonia Schoolhouse is the heart of the Town of Salamonia and frequently hosts monthly meetings and events. The structure and adjacent park space have developed several maintenance issues that need to be addressed, but the Town has been unable to make improvements due to a lack of funding. With READI support, the Town of Salamonia, Jay County, Jay County Development Corporation, Salamonia Volunteer Fire Department, local faith groups, and Jay County Trails Club are partnering to complete necessary building and site improvements to the Salamonia Schoolhouse. Site improvements include remediating foundation water issues, installing storm windows, repairing the plaster, sealing the bricks, fixing the ramp, and replacing some of the equipment and mulch. READI funds will be used to seal the bricks, fix the ramp, and replace some of the equipment and mulch. The project will begin construction in April 2023 and is projected to be completed by December 2023. The Town of Salamonia is serving as the project lead and will be securing price proposals from appropriate construction contractors to complete the work. The intended outcome of the project includes an improved building and playground which will provide a safe, comfortable place for those in the community to connect and socialize. The improvements will also promote energy savings by modernizing the building’s windows.

Project Overview

Project Data


Total Project Amount

READI Project Amount:$9,000.00
Total Matching Amount:$71,231.00

Project Region:

East Central

East Central Indiana Region, home to 378,808 residents across eight counties thrives on its rich rural heritage. These communities harness their unique history to address shared challenges collectively. The East Central Indiana Region secured $15 million to support a total of 19 projects.

List of Counties:


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East Central Region Map