Project Overview

The Decatur County Inclusion Park will include playground equipment made for children of all ages and all abilities. During Covid-19, children were encouraged to play outside, but no parks within the City of Greensburg (or the region) have ADA accessible playground equipment; therefore, physically disabled children were disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Inclusion Park will eliminate this barrier to playing safely outside. Adults can also take part in playtime with their children on the equipment, making it an enjoyable afternoon for the whole family. A task force has been assembled to work with experts in the field to design the park according to the topography of the area. Focus will be placed on the physical accommodations, such as meeting ADA accessibility requirements; engagement of the senses so kids can explore the various opportunities of the space; and integration with other park features, so the kids playing in the Inclusion Park do not feel separated from other children. The park will be a community gathering space, where kids learn, play, explore together, and provide opportunities for underserved populations win the region.By being integrated with the existing amenities of Rebekah Park, the Inclusion Park will be able to capitalize the existing splash pad, amphitheater, picnic pavilions, dog park and paved walking trail featured at the popular location. This saves on infrastructure costs that normally would be incurred in the construction of a new park.

Project Overview

Project Data


Total Project Amount

READI Project Amount:$249,999.00
Total Matching Amount:$500,000.00

Project Region:

Accelerate Rural Indiana

Accelerate Rural Indiana is focused on delivering lasting growth and success to one of Indiana’s greatest assets, its rural frontier. ARI was awarded $20 million in READI funds, the highest per-capita READI award in the State of Indiana. Collectively, ARI’s $20 million READI award is expected to attract nearly $500 million in public, private and nonprofit dollars to the region.

List of Counties:


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Accelerate Rural Indiana Region Map